Independent Testing

Independent Testing

Over a decade of intense independent testing shows that Amidon Ballistic Concrete
has received over 70,000 test rounds delivered to over 50,000 ABC blocks with zero
failures. This remarkable accomplishment is the result of a superior mix design, a well
documented process and tremendous attention to detail.

Play Video about Brad Johnson

Meet Brad Johnson, President, of Blueline Contracting located in Graham, North Carolina. Mr. Johnson will explain the unique characteristics of Amidon Ballistic Concrete® and a summary of recent testing results. 

Over the past 11 years more than 70,000 rounds of ammunition has been fired against various Amidon mix designs. Blue Line Contracting has been an independent testing provider for the Amidon family of products since the beginning.

Brad Johnson of Blue Line has probably fired more rounds into Amidon products than any other person on the planet and we have all the data to support the claims that our product is the best source of ballistic protection available for construction on the market.

Independently Tested to UL 752 standards. Capable of exceeding Level 10

Amidon has been tested against the UL 752 Standards with great success in a variety of conditions including extreme heat and cold. The unique properties of Amidon Ballistic Concrete allow it to absorb and dissipate energy without shattering or weakening the structural integrity of the product. It is lighter and stronger than regular concrete making it the ideal building material for the security conscious.

Independently Tested by National Testing Services

When complex ballistic testing is required, there is no better testing partner than National Testing Services. Our testing was performed at NTS- Chesapeake Testing Center in Virginia against a variety of published UL 752 Standards.

For access to the testing results please contact your Amidon representative.

Rigorously Tested by Osprey Global Solutions

Before we bring our products to National Testing Services or Blue Line Contracting to be tested, we test with our development partner, Osprey Global Solutions. Osprey brings real-world threat analysis experience earned from years of consulting around the world. They have literally seen it all and know just what types of danger we are protecting against. Amidon Ballistic Concrete products are better thanks to the support and know how we receive from Osprey and their team.

GHD Lead Leaching and Absorption Testing

In many parts of the world there are statutes regarding lead contamination. The majority of bullets, explosives, and other projectiles contain varying amounts of lead in them. To be compliant with the laws and statutes throughout the world we contracted GHD Labs to analyze Amidon Ballistic Concrete in three specific tests. The first was with a liquid additive, the second with a powder based additive, and the last test was without any additives being used. The results showed that ABC without any additives out performed the other two tested alternatives. In fact, ABC exceeded even the most stringent requirements in the industry.

Aberdeen Proving Ground – Comparison Testing against SACON (Shock Absorbing Concrete)

The U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground was contracted by the U.S. Marine Corps to test and evaluate Amidon Ballistic Concrete and the Army Corps of Engineers Shock Absorbing Concrete (SACON). This test assessed the production quality and performance of ABC vs. SACON. Side by side testing was performed to compare fabrication and performance results. The general assessment criteria were based on providing an accurate comparison of the two materials that addressed material quality, performance, and maintainability concerns related to its intended use in live-fire training shoot house applications.

The results of the Aberdeen testing showed that ABC met or exceeded the abilities of SACON, and has now become the standard for all concrete live-fire training facilities used by the U.S. Marine Corps.

Internally Tested on a Regular Basis

Because Amidon Ballistic Concrete is a building material we must test for compressive strength and other critical factors every time we pour a new batch. Our independent testing partners at GHD provide compression testing for us with reports which we keep on file.

In addition, we regularly perform in-house practical durability testing at our range. This testing consists of shooting our product multiple times with a variety of weapons. Each shot is analyzed to ensure the sample of ABC properly absorbed the projectile without failure. In addition, as we expand our product line, each new product is extensively tested in-house prior to having one of our testing partners having access to it.